24/7 emergency support for pet owners and local vet clinics

We make it easy to access emergency pet care

When every second counts, you need an after-hours vet you can trust


for Pet owners

Access expert help when you need it most 


for Vets

No need to be on call at night or on weekends


for Nurses

Reliable after-hours expertise you can count on 




Critical Care


Our after-hours vet services

AREC supports local vets with a full suite of 24/7 emergency after hours vet services, so you no longer have to be on call to care for your patients.  

after hours


Operating 24/7, we provide support at night and on weekends when most vet clinics are closed.

Critical Care

Our trained staff deliver a range of critical care services to help sick or injured animals recover.


We perform life-saving emergency surgery, whatever the time of day, to save pets’ lives.

How it works


Have a pet emergency after hours? Come in and see us.


A nurse will triage your pet and then one of our vets will examine them.


We’ll provide a treatment plan and help you decide on the best way forward.

What we offer

AREC provides peace of mind for pet owners, vets, and veterinary nurses, with after-hours vet services delivered by specialist emergency and critical care staff.


We make the admission process as smooth and as quick as possible.


Vets and pet owners get regular updates to keep you in the loop.


With over 100 staff, our team has a wealth of skills and experience to share.


We provide ongoing aftercare & support to local vets and pet owners.

"We cannot speak highly enough of the centre. Our little Roxy was very ill, she stayed overnight and the next day. The care was outstanding and the staff were so caring. Updates with phone calls twice a day. GREAT CENTRE, 10/10. Newcastle is so lucky to have this emergency centre"

We’re here to help

Pet emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night. AREC’s specialist after hours emergency vet services reduce the load on local vets when medical attention is needed outside business hours. After hours care also means pet owners have peace of mind 24/7 because their pet is in safe hands. 

Expert advice & tips on caring for your pet.

Rat Bait Toxicity in Dogs

Kevin’s owners brought him straight to AREC after noticing he was becoming lethargic and was off his food, he also had a mild nosebleed. A blood test confirmed he was suffering from rodenticide toxicity from ingestion of rat bait – which can be fatal.


Ticks on Dogs

Our emergency veterinarian, Dr Liz Napier shares advice on symptoms of paralysis ticks to look for, and the search techniques to find them on your pet.  Paralysis ticks are a

Dog licking chocolate bunny and easter eggs

Avoiding Easter Vet Bills

The dangers of chocolate, hot cross buns, and other seemingly-harmless treats. Plus, tips on how to keep your dog (and cat) safe and avoid vet bills this easter.


Work with Us

Would you like to join our successful team? We’re always on the hunt for veterinarians and nurses to provide specialist and emergency veterinary care. If you’re dedicated to saving the lives of pets and bringing peace of mind to pet owners, we’d love to hear from you.